Village Organisations


Church of England, in the Diocese of Worcester.

The church is currently open for normal services and details of the schedule can be found in the Link Magazine.

For more information see Bill Graham the churchwarden.

For more information about the history of the church, see the Village History section.


Everyone who lives in the Village is part of the Social Club and many and varied events are held throughout the year.

These range from guided walks, bowling nights, quizes, picnics and garden parties.

Click here for more information.


A group of local villagers who ring here on Mondays and in Eckington on Tues and Thurs evenings to practice

See Kate Collingwood for more information.


The Village Hall (the former village school) is available for one-off or regular hire and can accommodate up to 50 people.

There is some limited parking available.

Click here for more information


There is a local group coordinated by Art Lavelle. Please contact him for more information.

For new residents to the village since July 2020, he also has a few FREE Smartwater packs available - easy and unique marking of your property

Here is a link to the latest South Worcs Newsletter


Traditional Fruit and Flower Show

Held in Brailes Orchard on the last Saturday in August every year (the Bank Holiday weekend), a highlight of the social calendar. It has been held in the village for more than 75 years.

A traditional marquee houses the floral, vegetable, culinary exhibits as well as wine, beer, cider and plum jerkum, photography and arts and crafts. They are all entered into their own classes and prizes awarded.

Lots to do with an array of stalls to browse around and traditional family entertainments such as treasure hunt, skittles, coconut shy, bottle casino, tombola and a novelty dog show.

Highlights are the egg-throwing and plank plodding competitions, as well as village teas and the famous village bar.  


It's the main village fund raiser for the village hall, church and other village groups.


Village Hall

Great Comberton Village Hall, the former village school, is available for hire on a one-off basis or for regular hire.

We would be pleased to welcome you and share this wonderful facility for a party, social event, club, classes and groups who want a place to meet up. The Hall has a PPL PRS Music Licence and we ask that any music finishes by 11.30pm and is played not too loudly out of respect for the neighbours.

It has been completely refurbished to a high standard with proper acoustics and an induction loop. There is a fully equipped kitchen attached to the main room.

The Hall is 8.7 metres long and 5.4 metres wide. It offers parking for 15-20 cars and toilet facilities, including disabled.

Hall Rental Terms & Conditions

Hire charge: £7 per hour

The terms & conditions below are accepted by the individual or group hiring the hall once the booking has been confirmed by the Bookings Secretary. There are no exceptions.

  • Minimum Booking is an hour - further time required can be booked in 30 or 60 minute slots. This has to include time for setting up and clearing away.
  • Kitchen & all its appliances must be left clean and rubbish put in the appropriate black or green bin as dictated by WCC. Any rubbish that will not fit into these bins must be taken home by the hirer.
  • A damage deposit for parties of £25 may be required at the time of booking. This must be paid before the date of the event and held by Treasurer. After the party, if no damage is seen after inspection of the hall, it will be refunded.
  • Any items attached to the walls or floor must NOT LEAVE ANY MARKS once removed. (Any costs incurred by the Village Hall committee to remove such marks will be charged to the hirer).


To make a booking please contact our Bookings Secretary, Beryl Ward on 01386 710256.

Other items available for Hire are:

Marquee                £100 /day (Villagers only £75)

Trestle Tables       £2 /day

Card Tables           £0.50 /day

Folding Chairs      £0.50 /day

Crockery               £5 /day

Glasses                  £5 /day

Social Club

What is the Social Club ?

All residents of the village are automatically members of the Social Club. It is run as a non-profit making organisation, for the benefit of the villagers and to raise funds for worthy causes both in the village and for local charities.

Click on current events for more info on our current plans.

There is an organising committee which is appointed at the AGM. For further details about the AGM minutes and the current club rules click the button below.

Social Committee Members

Colin Maycroft (Chair)

Rob Harrison (Treasurer)

Audrey Maycroft (Box Office)

Suzanne Hamilton

Margot Archer

Vikki Matthews

Social Committee AGM

7-9pm, Mon 12 Aug, Village Hall


Chairpersons Welcome:

Introduction of Committee Members and their Roles:

Apologies from Committee Members:

Minutes of the previous A.G.M held 21st August 2023:

Chairpersons Annual Report:

Treasurers Annual Report:

Election of Committee: Election of Chairperson:

Election of Treasurer: Planned Events during the next 12 months:

Summary of feedback on previous events and suggestions for future events:

Any other urgent business:

Chairpersons closing statement.