Great Comberton is a small village of about 130 houses situated on the northern slopes of Bredon Hill in the English county of Worcestershire. It lies above the River Avon and is on the north-western edge of the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
It has a village hall and a church and has a vibrant and friendly community.
This website is mainly aimed at the local villagers and interested vistors to give them useful information about the village and its various social events and activities.
Click here for village history.
Latest information affecting the village
Carol Singing
We raised £129 for Caring Hands in the Vale
Many thanks to all those who took part and to all those who donated so generously
Coffee & Chat
At Village Hall
Suggested donation of £1 for coffee/tea, cake/biscuits.
All welcome, ladies, gents, youngsters, bring a friend, see you there.
Any offers of cake or help greatly appreciated. It would be good to get a rota of helpers/cake makers for cover during holidays etc.
Peta, Jane and Ginny
Art and Craft Group
Meeting on 1st and 3rd Mondays each month
Village Hall
Contact Geoff Hodgson for more information
Advance notice that we are planning on holding a Skittles Evening at Pershore Sports and Social Club
This will be the usual format and we are hoping to book it for a Friday early in March.
More details to follow once the date has been confirmed.
Last Updated: 14th January, 2025